Through the work of our 30th Year Conservation Appeal we aim to preserve the extraordinary living history and the heritage of the QVWC building, a place where all women feel welcomed, valued, and celebrated.
The QVWC has a fascinating and important history, unique to Melbourne. The origins of the Queen Victoria hospital were born from the vision and tenacity of Australia’s first registered female medical practitioner, Dr Constance Stone. Her determination to practice medicine in the late 1800’s saw her breakthrough the patriarchal barriers of the day to establish Australia’s first, and the world’s third, hospital for women and children in Melbourne with the support of peers and influential Melbourne women.
Under the motto ‘Pro Feminis A Feminis’ or ‘for women by women’, the hospital operated from the Lonsdale Street site from 1946 until it was decommissioned in 1988. During that time thousands of Melburnians worked here, and hundreds of thousands were born here. The site is architecturally significant, designed by renowned Melbourne architect JJ Clark. It is heritage listed because of its architectural and social significance to Melbourne’s living history.
The QVWC was established in 1994 after a very public campaign by the women of Victoria to save the site from demolition. Today it still proudly carries the motto ‘for women by women’ and is a very special place dedicated to women and gender diverse people. It houses more than a dozen organisations supporting women and social justice causes, provides a range of community event spaces, and supports women and gender diverse entrepreneurs and artists through its gallery and maker’s shop. It is also important to remember that this site has a strong pre-colonial history.
We encourage you to learn more about the fascinating history and heritage of this important building. Give generously to the QVWC Conservation Appeal to help raise funds to preserve the QVWC as Melbourne’s centre for gender equality now and for generations to come.
Reimagine the front and western sides of the building to tell the inspiring story of the QVWC.
We invite support to start a design competition for women and gender-diverse architects to help redesign the publicly facing sides of the building.
Make the area around the building more accessible and engaging for people to visit, rest, relax and converse.
Includes storytelling from First Nations' perspectives and existing features such as The Shilling Wall.
Celebrates Dr. Constance Stone, Australia's first female doctor, increasing the number of public statues recognising women and their significant achievements in our city.
Artwork will honour the role Dr Constance Stone, and her colleagues played in founding the QV Hospital for Women and Girls.
We encourage collaboration with First Nations artists, women, and gender-diverse creators.Celebrates Dr. Constance Stone, Australia's first female doctor, increasing the number of public statues recognising women and their significant achievements in our city.
The building has two iconic turrets with gothic architectural style.
These turrets need repairs to preserve their cast iron and timber features.
Work includes painting, plastering, and structural repairs.
The southern balconies still have their original design and windows, urgent repairs are needed to prevent water damage and fix the floor, paint, and structure.
Fund a Historian in Residence Fellowship to research the building's rich history, including:
It’s pre-colonial Indigenous history.
Its role in women’s medical practice and healthcare.
Important people and achievements related to the site.
Ongoing research will elevate important stories from our collective past and create opportunities for books, documentaries, podcasts, and art projects.
You can support the QVWC Conservation Appeal and help us to raise 4 million dollars across 4 years by supporting one or more of our Conservation Projects. These projects are all informed by our Conservation Management Plan which was created with the expert knowledge and support of the National Trust.
Become a special Friend of the QVWC by giving to the QVWC Conservation Appeal, via the National Trust, you can nominate to support one of the above projects or simply donate to the restoration appeal.
Ensure that the legacy of Dr Constance Stone and her ‘girl gang’ of movers and shakers is not forgotten and the role they played in the paving the way for Victorian women continues to be recognised and celebrated.
Be a part of an influential group supporting the conservation and development of Melbourne’s groundbreaking feminist history.
Preserve a much-loved Melbourne landmark and iconic heritage listed building built by renowned Melbourne architect JJ Clark.
Take advantage of naming opportunities against key restoration projects including the Feminist Historian in Residence Fellowship.
Enjoy complementary use of the QVWC venue spaces for day or evening events, including exclusive use of the rooftop, and priority access to events at the Centre.
Enjoy public acknowledgements on QVWC website, National Trust Appeal website, in the QVWC Annual report and other at related QVWC and partner events.
Make a Bank Transfer:
Bank Account: National Trust of Australia (VIC)
BSB: 033000
Acc Number: 937419
Reference: QVWC Conservation Appeal
Pay by Credit Card:
To pay by credit card complete the form and send back to the National Trust.
Please contact Keryn Negri, CEO at to discuss a QVWC Conservation Project and for more information on becoming a Friend of the QVWC.
The QVWC thanks the National Trust for partnering in our 30th Year Conservation Appeal.