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Closing the Gender Gap in Health Research

This hybrid event is being hosted by Gender Equity Victoria (GEN VIC) in partnership with Monash Women's Health Alliance, the Victorian Chapter of the Association of Australian Medical Research Institutes (AAMRI VIC) and Women's Health Victoria. 

Hosted by Prof the Hon Jill Hennessy, former Minister for Health and current Chair of Monash Women's Health Alliance, this event will explore the current gender gaps in health research, implications for treatment and gather practical solutions that can be introduced to address the problem. 

Minister for Health, the Hon Mary-Anne Thomas will provide an overview of what the Victorian Government is exploring and representatives from each partnering organisation will also share their perspectives and experiences to inform ongoing collaborative actions. Together we can make a difference and introduce much needed changes to improve health outcomes for our women and girls.  

October 22

Responding to Disclosures of Sexual Assault Workshop

December 9

Responding to Disclosures of Sexual Assault Workshop