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Difficult Woman? An Exhibition of Mixed Media Prints, Drawings and Assemblages.

Difficult Woman? presents visual works that are intended to elicit meaningful and personal contemplation of the social issues that the Artist considers important, relevant and topical, within her personal framing of Feminism.

Exhibition open 1 - 31 March 2023 - 9AM-5PM Monday to Friday

Opening event Thursday 16 March 5pm-7pm

Jade’s interest in Social Justice, amplified by the inequities highlighted in our society during the Covid-19 pandemic, has led to an investigation of motifs specific to the Artist’s interests (such as the vase) and stylized self-portraits.  Social Commentary and The Artist as subject, within a Feminist framework, underpins much of the ethos of the work being created.

Jade's work uses phrases that invite the audience to question certain scenarios that may occur within their daily life.

The work presented in Difficult Woman? was created after a holiday that Jade took to Sydney, in early 2022. Quick sketches into an improvised sketchbook occurred as she bounced around the Art Galleries of the city, taking inspiration from the people visiting the Galleries as well as the art on display.

The opportunity of a short holiday also gave Jade time to contemplate the social issues that she had been following on Twitter and to bring these into her creative work. Bringing more text / written content into her sketches, Jade used phrases from her Little Acts of Rebellion ceramic ware collection, as well as statements from topics that were coming up constantly in her social media feeds.

Difficult Woman? is a capsule of Jade’s ideas and the creative solutions that have been worked out over time in her studio. A solo practice can isolate the artist and their ideas. Bringing the works out into a public space exposes the inner monologue that Jade has worked through in the studio, for the ideas and questions to now be handed over and contemplated by a wider audience.

January 23

Corner Work by Sunny Arfarsia

March 4

Queen Victoria Women's Centre IWD Protest Banner Workshop