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Feminist Historian in Residence Barbara Wheeler @ the Welsh Church

Sunday 8 September is Queen Victoria Hospital Sunday at the historic Melbourne Welsh Church at 320 Latrobe Street.
The annual service celebrates the work of Dr Constance Stone and the founding of the Queen Victoria Memorial Hospital for Women and its links to the Welsh Church – the hospital began at St David’s Hall, adjourning the church.
The service starts at 11am and this year includes a talk from the Queen Victoria Women’s Centre’s feminist historian in residence, Barbara Wheeler.
If you missed Barbara’s compelling talk at Open House Melbourne, here’s another chance to hear all about Australia’s first female doctor, Dr Constance Stone and the establishment of Australia’s first, and the world’s third Pro Feminis A Feminis hospital in Melbourne.
A warm invitation is extended to all.

August 17

Oh My Hues Art Market

September 12

True Visions